
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
COGWC Welcome's Administrative Bishop Keith L. Ivester
Monday, May 11, 2009
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Some Random Pictures
I wanted to share this pic I found of our Pastor's wife Vicki pictured here with their daughter Deidre.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Today Is Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday We celebrate the Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the week before his death and resurrection. For many Christian churches, Palm Sunday, often referred to as "Passion Sunday," marks the beginning of Holy Week, which concludes on Easter Sunday.
The Bible reveals that when Jesus entered Jerusalem, the crowds greeted him with waving palm branches, and by covering his path with palm branches. Immediately following this great time of celebration in the ministry of Jesus, he begins his journey to the cross.
The biblical account of Palm Sunday can be found in Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-44; and John 12:12-19.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
How Great Is Our GOD!!!!
A lesson on LAMININ...
A friend sent this to me and I felt so compelled to share it that I'm going to post it here and on the mens site as well.
Talk about a AHA Moment... This was one for me.Please scroll down the Page first and pause the music before clicking on the link here. You will be AMAZED...I guarantee you will receive a blessing into this within 5 to 6 minutes.
Thank You So much for Sharing this with all of us Lisa Brown. I was so blessed.
A friend sent this to me and I felt so compelled to share it that I'm going to post it here and on the mens site as well.
Talk about a AHA Moment... This was one for me.Please scroll down the Page first and pause the music before clicking on the link here. You will be AMAZED...I guarantee you will receive a blessing into this within 5 to 6 minutes.
Thank You So much for Sharing this with all of us Lisa Brown. I was so blessed.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Easter Play Practice
Our Easter Play is in the works and each year Rosetta L. puts her heart and soul into making it a little more special each year. Rosetta has such a vision and passion for making things come to life. You will be so touched by the Performance of WATCH THE LAMB. Practice is on Monday's at 7PM. So if you want to participate please be there. Our next practice will be a full run of the play so be sure to attend. If you are needing a costume made please make sure to get your material together for our seamstress.
Elva R.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Poems From Lisa Brown
A Woman In Christ
I am a child of God
A woman in Christ
By standards of society
I will not be defined
The beauty I possess
Is not determined by man
Nor can it be bought
By a surgeon's hand
For the Son has painted
A glow upon my face
His artistry has captured
My portrait of grace
With each stroke of His brush
My flaws dissapear
My features are transformed
Time I no longer fear
What the mirror beholds
Will surely diminish with age
As lines cover youth
And golden locks turn gray
For every reflection is merely
A season in life
But I will always be beautiful
A woman in Christ
Copyright by Lisa Brown
All rights reserved
Patterns of Life
The patterns of my life
So intricately woven
Sewn by the smallest detail
Defined by every moment
Errors that I have made
Trials I did not choose
Time I took for granted
Mountains I prayed to move
Tears I cried in despair
Memories I cannot forget
Days I still cling to
Some I have come to regret
Yet, I am thankful for my life
For every circumstance
For the lives of those
Carefully placed in my path
For the pieces of my life
So uniquely designed
Form an intricate pattern
Where God and I intertwine
Copyright by Lisa Brown
All rights reserved
View From The Top
Standing in the valley below
I could see the mountain just ahead
And being discontent with my life
I decided to leave behind
The ground which I had tread
So I began my journey
Holding on with both hands
Out of breath, battered and bruised
Struggling to keep my footing and
Losing my balance time and time again
With each step I came closer
I was determined not to stop
For all things worthy come with a price
And I knew I just had to see
The view from the mountaintop
Copyright by Lisa Brown
All Rights Reserved
Monday, February 16, 2009
Good Morning!!!
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the ground each morning the devil says, "OH GEE'S, SHE'S UP"!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Kevin Hertz
Please Remember Kevin Hertz in your prayers. He is a remarkable 13 year old boy from Michigan who is battling a brain tumor. Our church has been praying for him for quite sometime now. He is about to undergo surgery to take a biopsy of the tumor to see what form of chemo they can use next. Please pray for GOD to Heal him.
Here are some Helpful links to some more info on Kevin's Story.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Megan H. Personal Testimony (6)

Photo Credit/RYCO Photography
Many people tend to lose their faith in God when their prayers aren’t answered as quickly as they would like for them to be. I am here to tell you not to lose your faith in God, for he will help you in your time of need.
Being only 14 years old, God has already performed an outstanding miracle in my life, and I cannot thank him enough for that. He saved me from a life threatening experience, and I hope my story will inspire you not to make the same mistakes that I did.
In August of 2008 I developed an eating disorder, harming not only myself, but my family as well. By October, the disorder had taken over me and I was no longer capable of controlling my actions. It was so dangerous for me because I was only a few weeks away from death.
The doctors had lost all hope in me, and planned to send me off to a hospital until I fully recovered. My parents decided in the end not to send me off because we still had faith that God would heal me soon.
Just days after they had planned to send me away, my mom had an emotional break down. I had put my family through so much pain, and she could simply no longer take it. Luckily, that night they were having a ladies meeting at our church, and mom and I drove down there to be prayed for. While they were praying for us, it felt like a 50 pound weight had been lifted from my shoulders. I immediately knew that I was healed, and that God would take care of everything.
The following Friday I went to the doctor’s office to be weighed, as I had for months, and I was still continuing to lose weight. We couldn’t understand why my condition was getting worse, when we absolutely knew that God had healed me. Despite the numbers on the scale, we still never lost our faith, and hoped for a better outcome the following week.
When Friday came along again, I went to be weighed. This time, I had not gained weight, but I hadn’t lost any either. I had actually maintained my weight, which was a big step up from losing up to 8 pounds a week. This brought forth a new shed of hope to my family and me. As the weeks progressed, my weight finally began increasing, in large amounts too.
God had blessed me so much that I was gaining over 5 pounds a week. It was only weeks later that I had finally reached my ideal weight. I am now currently as healthy as I ever was, and I thank God each day for what he has done for me. Without him, I wouldn’t even be living right now.
For each person that reads this, I pray that if you do not know God, that you get to know him. He is simply the best person to have in your life.
-Megan H.
-Megan H.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Linda F. Personal Testimony (5)
Sometimes God has a way of getting our attention and I thank him for that. When I found out I had Melanoma CANCER I'd had a mole on my chest that had doubled in size in about three months. I went to the doctor and had the mole removed. The doctor then sent it off for test to be run.
The test came back and it was Melanoma Cancer and it was already in the third stage of four.
I was at work when the Doctor called with news that the test had come back positive for cancer. I know only the Lord could help me get through this. I hadn't told my family until a couple of days after. They didn't even know that I had went to the doctor. After I had told my family I was on every Church's prayer list around. I know I felt so much stronger just in knowing that others were praying for me. It just kinda takes that fear away or at least it did for me.
With Prayer you are not alone. When you have people praying for you I just knew without a shadow of a doubt that the LORD was going to Heal me.
Through this process the Doctors continued to run tests around the area that he had removed the mole. The test were showing that the cancer had progressed into my lymph nodes under my left arm.
The first surgery was performed and the lymph nodes were taken out and they came back positive for Melanoma as well. In three weeks the doctor wanted to go back in and remove all the lymph nodes.In between this time.... I WAS HEALED!!!!! I told the Doctor.. He still wanted to do a Pet Scan that would show if I had Cancer anywhere else in my body. The test was done and everything came back NEGATIVE. I didn't have any Cancer anywhere. The Lord had Healed me. The doctor still wanted to take out the lymph nodes because the cancer had been there before so I let him remove them.
Even though no cancer was found the Doctor still wanted me to take treatments. BUT I CLAIM MY HEALING!!!! I am holding on to it for GOD is the Healer and My PHYSICIAN..
I Thank HIM and Praise HIM!!
Every now and then the LORD wants to get our attention and getting us back where we need to be which is with HIM.
He has always been there when I call on HIM. He has taken care of me and my family. We can never give him enough Praise for all that he does.
I Praise HIM!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Valentine Banquet is in the Works
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Monthly Supply Items
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