

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Walk the Talk

Love is a tough word for men made of steel.
Some cannot say it - despite how they feel.
And way down inside, you'll find at the core,
that few can love higher than dog fleas soar.

Some utter their love in flowers and smiles.
There are many words and so many styles.
Some share their feelings with tears in one eye,
while others share thoughts in endless supply....

Talk is so shallow - it's easier said,
than walking the talk, and 'doing' instead.
When we are confronted with our simple trials,
do we drag our cross and for how many miles?

A cross is a menace that scoffs in our ear.
We wish every time it would just disappear;
but if our love's real - and fills us inside,
A cross surely conquers when we are denied.

For there was a Man that lived long ago,
who gave so much more - than we'll ever know.
He shared with the children, women and men,
and taught us all how - to love once again

There wasn't a record of "fanciful" talk,
but rather, instead, of unselfish walk.
While prayers were sincere to His Father above,
mere words didn't finish His dutiful love.

He spoke not a word - defending His own,
and faithfully walked each step all alone.
We cannot imagine the pain He endured,
and from the soldiers, the scoffing He heard.

Mere words had been spoken and all had seemed lost,
but actions spoke louder than two timbers crossed.
For love did not lose to the cross in that war -
-because Jesus yet lives and that cross is no more.

By Louis Gander

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