

Friday, March 1, 2013

My Furry Little Hero

I had a fire break out in my home about a week ago Thursday and if not for this little guy alerting me to the fact something was wrong. I would have probably went on to bed and it would have no doubt been much worse. I'm so glad that through all the smoke, God gave me the presence of mind to do what I did to put it out. I thought I can stand here and watch it burn or I can try to put it out myself before the fire trucks get here. Of course I don't recommend throwing a soaking wet towel on an electric water heater but, it worked. Now, I have both my fire extinguisher's close by just in case. I'm so thankful for how everything transpired that week (even the being sick part) I think it all played into my being home that evening in some strange way. I'm so thankful and I'm so blessed. God Is Good!