Kyle Update - Wed. 6:45 am - Just went back and saw Kyle. He looks good considering what he has been through. He has many IVs, tubes, drains and the vent. They are getting ready to give him blood, which is customary. Dr said he is doing good considering the donor heart was some bigger than his heart, however is still in size range for him. His BP was good, his heart rate is OK, his pacing is better than expected, he isn't bleeding a whole lot. His kidneys are working on the Catheter He is still critical for now, but is common for up to 48 hours. Said his heart will loose function on about the 12th hour but will level out as the body accepts it. Dr said they were going to keep him dazed for a couple days to prevent him moving and bleeding.
I cant explain how wonderful and blessed we feel to look at him and know that God has blessed this wonderful baby boy with a heart and bringing him through so well. Keep up the prayers for him and the donor family for their loss. God bless all today.
This was posted by Nora on Kyle's Facebook page.