

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Skinny Strawberry Banana Ice Box Cake Recipe ~ Easy, Traditional Ice Box Cake Recipe Stuffed with Bananas, Strawberries, Graham Crackers and Vanilla Pudding! Plus it’s Lightened Up for a Guilt Free Dessert!

Skinny Strawberry Banana Ice Box Cake Recipe

  • 2 Bananas, sliced
  • 4 c. sliced strawberries
  • 8 oz tub Cool Whip Fat Free topping, thawed
  • 1 oz box Sugar-Free Fat-Free Vanilla pudding
  • 1 c. Silk Vanilla Cashew Milk
  • 21 reduced-fat graham cracker sheets
  • Additional bananas and strawberries for topping
  1. In a medium sized bowl, whisk together pudding mix and almond milk for two minutes or until pudding starts to thicken. Let stand for 5 minutes
  2. Gently fold Cool Whip into pudding mixture.
  3. Spread a small amount of pudding mixture onto the bottom of a 9''x13'' glass baking dish.
  4. Top pudding mixture with 7 graham crackers sheets to form a single layer over pudding mixture. Top with a very thin layer of pudding mixture. Place 1/2 of bananas, then 1/2 of the strawberries on top of crackers. Top with 1/3 of the remaining pudding mixture. Repeat layers.Top with remaining pudding mixture.
  5. Refrigerate for 4-6 hours before servings.
  6. Garnish with strawberries and bananas if desired, serve immediately.

Recipe by .  

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